About Us

For any young person to thrive they need support, access to opportunities and a safe environment. They also need a society that works with them, and they need peace.
In communities in which Fight for Peace works, young people often don’t have access to these essential elements and this acts as a barrier to their progress.
Since 2000, we have been working to address this by delivering programmes aimed at the growth and development of young people, by advocating for change where young people are hampered by injustice, and by working to prevent violence in our communities.
Our work has three focus areas under one unifying aim: to inspire and support young people to reach their full potential, and to promote peace in our communities.
Take a closer look at our work around the world in our institutional film
Our Five Pillars methodology is the basis of our approach, informing both our programmes and the training and support we offer to the organisations we collaborate with. Covering five areas, this approach gives young people access to the tools and support they need to reach their full potential.

Boxing & Martial Arts
Through combat sports young people build strength and discipline, a feeling of belonging and an understanding that success comes through hard work and dedication.

We offer education programmes for young people who are not at school to re-engage with learning and support for those who need extra help with their school work.

We provide support and training for young people to access the job market and progress in their professional lives.

Support services
Our specialist teams of staff support young people to build the tools they need to overcome issues they may be facing at school, at home or in their personal lives.

Youth leadership
Our young leaders contribute to the design and delivery of our work, represent Fight for Peace externally and influence decision making at every level of our organisation.
We are youth led. This means that our young people play a central role in defining our approach, in influencing organisational decisions and strategic direction, in taking the lead in events and activities, and in representing our organisation publicly.
Our approach is also driven by five values that guide and underpin all areas of our work. These are:
We believe in a society without exclusion. Everybody is welcome at Fight for Peace.
We work together in unity across our staff, young people and our community.
We dedicate ourselves to being the best we can be in everything we do.
We aim to inspire those around us and be inspired by them.
We work where there is need and we are proud to stand up for peace.

At our Academies, we deliver programmes and support directly to young people

Globally, we exchange skills, knowledge and support among our Alliance of trained partner organisations to ensure we are all best placed to meet the needs of young people

At the community level, through our Collectives, we bring together a range of bodies and organisations to work together on the delivery of programmes to young people
We have a global presence, working with young people at our Academies and Collectives programmes, and via our Alliance partners
Title | Address | Description |
BRAZIL | R. Teixeira Ribeiro, 900 - Maré, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21044-251, Brasil |
UNITED STATES | Estados Unidos |
MEXICO | México |
JAMAICA | Jamaica |
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO | Trindade e Tobago |
COLOMBIA | Colômbia |
PERU | Peru |
SURINAME | Suriname |
UNITED KINGDOM | Reino Unido |
EGYPT | Egito |
SIERRA LEONE | Serra Leoa |
GHANA | Gana |
UGANDA | Uganda |
KENYA | Quênia |
ZIMBABWE | Zimbábue |
BOTSWANA | Botsuana |
SOUTH AFRICA | África do Sul |
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