
Luta Pela Paz (Fight For Peace) campaign

About our campaign

In Brazil, the most recent wave of the pandemic has been the most devastating so far – the number of deaths has doubled from 200,000 in January to almost 415,000 today.  

In addition to the health effects of the virus, in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro hunger has again become a reality for many families.

It is estimated that 8 out of 10 families living in the favelas are currently dependent on donations to be able to feed themselves. 

That is why your support is now more important than ever.

Last week @lutapelapaz, launched the #CoragemSolidária2021 campaign so we can overcome this problem together.

If you can donate, please click

If you can’t, please share this campaign with your networks.

Thank you for your important support!

About us

Luta pela Paz (Fight for Peace) combines boxing and martial arts with education and personal development to realise the potential of young people in communities affected by crime, violence and social exclusion.
We provide young people with the tools and support structures they need to become life champions and create positive futures for themselves. We support young people directly at our Academies in Rio de Janeiro and London,
and via a global training programme, which equips partner organisations around the globe with the knowledge and resources to better support young people in their communities.

We have developed an integrated and holistic Five Pillars methodology, giving young people all the support they need to become champions in life.

Together with our theory of change we enable young people to take full advantage of the opportunities that are available to them through Fight for Peace’s holistic Five Pillars model.

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